What is Reconnect?

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Why no phones?

Why Reconnect Exists

What do people think?

This was an extremely restorative day, and it was wonderful to spend time with a new group of people who I'd never met before, and immediately connect with them more than I connect with people on a regular basis, away from all the distractions and kind of slow down and not be aware of time and just kind of feel what life is meant to be.

Megan, 19

Something unique about this event was connecting with people without looking at my hone every 5 seconds 'cause I feel like even in conversation I'll just be checking notifications talking to other people on my phone and not actually engaging fully in the conversation. Today we just sat around and talked in the groups, even having individual side conversations. It was so much more deep and meaningful than they normally would be if I just had my phone with me.

Andrew, 19

In the normal world with our phones it's very superficial. Everything we do with our communication feels fake and forced, like we have to put on a show. But here at the reconnect movement we brought this big group of people together just for communicating, so we don't have to act we don't have to play. We actually want to be here we actually want to be off of our phones and we want to be real

Betsy, 17

Meet The Founder

The problem reconnect is solving

Chapter Adventures

Reconnect in the media